After three years of development, Italian style dressed by Daniel Valsesia, Digifly is pleased to introduce:
AIR, conceived for competitors, it is the new top of the line, high-resolution display integrated vario.
Its shape is optimized to the maximum strength; his display offers the best visibility also in bright light conditions and his four big operative keys ensure the best accessibility even wearing big gloves.
The Digifly AIR is sold in a single full functions version, with only two optional choices:
1) hang gliding pilots can ask for the installation of the optional pitot tube
2) whoever can ask for the installation of the optional GSM-GPRS module needed for the internal Live Tracking, although this is not essential, as the Digifly AIR is equipped with a 4th generation Bluetooth processor able to communicate with every current mobile device, e.g. a smartphone on which you can install, for free, the Live Tracking app XC Soar.
AIR is entirely designed, engineered and manufactured in Italy; it uses state of the art processors and sensors, including a 99-channel anti jam GPS unit updated 10 times per second.
Air features also a new inertial platform that provides an even more accurate evaluation of the wind direction, improves the sensitivity of the variometer, acts as a G meter for acro pilots and allows to get more precise information from the magnetic compass even at high bank angles of the wing.
More info is here: http://www.digifly.com/en/air/